Coconut macaroons
After a long break from cooking thanks to the numerous papers I've been doing for my classes, I returned to the kitchen briefly tonight. I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, but I found out we were out of eggs, and the recipe called for one. Ironically, although we were out of whole eggs, I did have some egg whites that I've been meaning to use. I couldn't use them for the chocolate chip cookies, but they were perfect to make coconut macaroons. I've never made coconut macaroons, so I wasn't sure if this was the right type of recipe to use, and it didn't have any reviews at the time, but it looked like what I wanted, so I decided to try it. The cookies did turn out the way I was expecting them to and I enjoyed them, but let me say this...I was getting out the ingredients thinking "wow, this doesn't seem like very much, I wonder how many cookies it makes..." Well, if you actually read the whole thing (unlike I did) you will see that it makes 4 cookies. That didn't make any sense to me at all, if the recipe is any good you will probably want more than four cookies, right? Why would anyone want to make just four cookies at a time? I could have doubled or tripled the recipe, but I was skeptical at this point and wanted to try them first. The one thing I didn't like about them was that they were a little saltier than I would have liked, but this was completely my fault. I was so thrown by the fact that it only made four cookies that when I got to the step requiring me to add a pinch of salt, I was a little surprised (salt wasn't mentioned anywhere in the ingredients section). So, obviously we keep salt around the house and it wasn't a big deal, but I wasn't sure how much a pinch of salt was so I just put at little in. If I had been making more than four cookies the amount of salt would have been perfect, but as it was my pinch was a little generous, but not overwhelmingly so or anything. Also, I didn't follow the instructions about putting it on foil and whatever else because I just used my Silpat sheet and that worked fine. Overall, they were good and I would make them again. I even dipped these in some melted chocolate and that made them good too. Yum, now I just need to find a way to make some more cookies, because these are gone!

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