Sunday dinner

Another Sunday dinner means another night to use my "desperate housewife" skills and play a desperate housewife in disguise! Really it just means I have too much time on my hands and I need to get my sudo-boyfriend back to keep me occupied, but then I wouldn't have time to update the site, so never-mind! Everyone needs a break every once in a while.
Multiple trips to the grocery today yielded some cute little pears
That would have been plenty of food, but then there was bay breeze and dessert.
They are brilliant. They had this little thing individually packaged and labeled "one slice: brownie cheesecake." To me this translates into: "look, just one slice! you don't have to feel guilty about that, and you know you want it, buy me! buy me!" Very dangerous. I'm sure it would have been cheaper to buy an entire cheesecake because of the way they have these things priced, but again, they are brilliant and know that some people are strong enough not to buy a big one and weak enough to fall for once slice. Anyway, it's not my fault, remember how the non-boyfriend is gone? It's driven me to dessert, he better hurry back. The raspberries were my attempt at making it less sinful looking, but they were really good with it, so everyone wins!
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