Sunday, July 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Dianne!

Yesterday was Dianne's birthday. She was nice enough to invite me up to her place in Dawsonville to join in the celebration. It was a night of much revelry that included a rousing game of 'SceneIt!' where my team (including Dianne and her sister-in-law Christie) won! Christie made some excellent mango salsa and even mixed up margaritas from "The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love" which is a book I've heard of before, so I was just impressed with her creativity. The rest of the food we had for dinner came from a restaurant nearby though. I don't even know what restaurant it was, but I was sent home with leftovers, so I have pictures! We had a dish with maybe parmesan chicken and spaghetti, and another one with linguini and shrimp (I think they called it shrimp diablo). It had some kick to it, and it was good. We also had a big salad and tiramisu for dessert. Out of the two pasta dishes I like the shrimp one the best, but everyone else seemed to like the other one better. No one asked for seconds of the shrimp although some had seconds of the chicken. So, I was happy that I got to take the leftover shrimp pasta home because I did like it, and it was good reheated with some extra sauce and parmesan. Oh, also there was lots of rosemary bread. There were nine people and 10 loaves of bread! It was so much, so I had to bring some of those leftovers home too.


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