Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No, I'm not fasting...

But I have gone a few days without posting and this time it's actually NOT because I'm behind on updates. I haven't had any especially exciting or photogenic meals the past few nights. Also, last night and tonight I had/have plans in the evening that don't involve dinner, and that often means that I eat a late lunch or snack and skip dinner all-together, so that's not conducive to good food blogging. But, I promise there will be more exciting meals to come before I go back to class on Monday, I just don't know what they will be yet. Anyway, rest assured that I am planning something of food-blog worthiness. In the meantime I wanted to share something that Adam, The Amateur Gourmet, wrote this morning in his 1,000th post (congratulations Adam!) You can go to his site and see the entire entry, but he was giving tips for people who want to start a blog of their own. Seeing as how I already have a blog, the tips were a little late for me, but I did enjoy what he said about the reason/benefit of having a blog.
Is there anything else great about food blogging?

"Yes. Aside from the fact that lots of people will read what you write on a daily basis (which is always exciting), you get to act as your own editor, producer, director, publisher and secretary. You can make money from blogads and Google ads (though not enough to act as a super incentive). You can find a way to channel your creative energies (hence all my films and songs and EXTREMELY LONG posts like this one.) And, best of all, you have a great reason to really explore the world of food: both in the kitchen and out in the world. If I didn't have a food blog, I doubt I'd cook all the stuff I cook or eat at as many places as I do. I do most of it so I can sit down later and process everything that I just experienced, for better or for worse. And over time you've created this gigantic record of your journey. If you click my archives and read the posts I posted my first couple of weeks as food blogger, I think you'll detect a marked difference in my competence level, my knowledge and my confidence both as a writer and as a chef. Foodblogging pays off."
(See the part in bold?) I think he's right here. I do this because I enjoy cooking and eating and having this blog has given me an excuse to become more adventurous and try things that I've wanted to try for a long time. I've become more interested in expressing myself creatively through cooking and I've become more confident in the kitchen, and I've gotten encouraging feedback as a result. And even though I'm not as widely popular as Adam or Clotilde, for example, I do enjoy sharing my experiences with anyone who does read, and I hope it can be amusing and/or inspiring for people, as other food blogs have been for me.
That's it for now... Please stay tuned for more food-related entries to come soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin -

It has become quite obvious to me (your Mother) that cooking suits you to a 'T'. It has proven to be a wonderful vehicle for you to explore so many aspects of yourself from creativity to organization and logistics, just to name a few. You seem to thrive on every aspect from the planning and preparation (shopping) to the execution and payoff (usually a delicious feast). It has been very inspiring to see you blossom in your confidence and skill. Here's to continued fun with one of life's necessities!

8/17/2005 2:43 PM  

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